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After leaving school I trained as a Hairdresser and Beauty Therapist, which I did for several years. 

Opportunities were available and my path took several different routes leading me to come away from it.

When I had my first child, I had a natural birth, was managing to breastfeed and she had her injections. After several weeks she quickly became quite poorly and did not sleep for longer than 45 minutes propped up on me. She was in agony with her tummy and continuously screaming which was put down to colic. Things did not improve and once she started weaning things got worse. At 7 months we were sent to a sleep therapist who told me she was a naughty baby! We did everything the doctors suggested and I gave up my job to care for her. She had numerous tests and diets and she started to react to her safe foods but nobody could give us any answers.

By the time she was nearly 4 years old she had a little sister. Again, natural birth, breastfeeding, injections. When she was less than a year old, we started seeing the same pattern unfolding. We could no longer live like this. Life was tough and getting unbearable, so we decided to do our own research and seek alternative options, plus look at our current lifestyle on the basis that no two children are the same.

We tried cranial osteopathy, Chinese medicine and homeopathy which were gentle on these juvenile and developing bodies. We did not want more toxins going into them. In fact, we started doing the reverse. It was a slow process! But…. 4 years on neither of my children have had western medicine (bar one trip to A&E when we agreed medicine had to be administered, and I believe there is a time and place for everything!) and they are now fit and healthy and can eat everything but their bodies tell them differently!

During this period, my husband required knee surgery which was straight forward. Starting recovery he had an adverse reaction to the medically prescribed paracetamol and ibuprofen (of which he took a lesser amount than medically recommended) which resulted in a stomach bleed and a scary trip to A&E coughing up blood clots. A bacteria then managed to enter his stomach causing a rapid weight loss of 2 stone and a very ill man.


I had been looking into different types of Kinesiology as I had been seeing one: she diagnosed my poor health was Candida and put me on
the right tracks to get rid of it, which also resulted in over a 2 stone weight loss! I immediately
signed up with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK) to do a Foundation course
in order to help heal my family. Not for one minute did I think I would continue training to become a Graduate and it would become my job and
purpose! Over 18 months working on him, we got my husband's health back on the right tracks
without the use of western medication.

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